Zhang Wei - Director

Zhang Wei was Born in Hunan Province of China, and he studied Directing at the Beijing Film Academy as well as Cinema Studies at the Chinese National Academy of Arts. Zhang Wei is known for his cinematic realism that depicts individuals who are marginalized by society in a natural, and realistic way. His films self-consciously express critical social issues and convey powerful social messages through their unassuming storylines that embody important social conflicts. This constant struggle between marginalized individuals and society introduces the audience to aspects of Chinese society that are often overshadowed by China’s rapid transformation.

TIGER MOM - Thursday October 19th 9:30 PM

When exam fever consumes a family, a mother's vicarious ambitions corrode her daughter's spirit, driving them toward breaking point. This domestic drama dissects the dark side of academic pressure, where worth is defined by test scores, and self-worth sacrificed. Trapped in a twisted tango between apathy and obsession, a teenage girl struggles to find her voice amid the din of inflated expectations. With futures hanging in the balance, will this household fracture or somehow rediscover harmony? Their fate hinges on redefining achievement beyond the narrow lens of conventional success, and embracing dreams on their own terms before opportunity's door slams shut.

Directed by: Wei Zhang


Languages: Chinese / English Subtitles

Runtime: 01:27:00

Category: Featured Film